News. Fake news. Real news. Which is which? Which news sources and institutions can we trust? Which institutions have been the most consistent with reporting facts through the lens of the working class and which news organizations have misled and propped up corporate agendas that incentivize the spectacle of division while ignoring the coverage of policies that have an impact on the lives of working-class Americans? By the framing of the question, you can guess that answer lies within an alternative, grassroots coverage of the news to properly inform the population on what their representatives, government, and patronized corporations are doing to shape our society and create the conditions we are all living in as human beings.
I have been compiling this Youtube “News” playlist for the past 5 or 6 years to keep myself better informed on what was really happening in America. I wanted that real talk that I knew I was not getting from CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC news that my father watched religiously throughout my upbringing in the 90s. Sadly, journalistic standards have dramatically decreased. Mass, corporate media has leaned more on parroting the lines given to them by agencies who have lied to the public and corporations who have lied on record to the public in the past and present. Thanks to the rise of social media and outlets like Youtube, there has been great democratization of journalism and news media over the past decade.
I’ve shared this playlist with friends and family and have always meant to share it here, on my own website. This playlist includes coverage from a variety of mainly progressive outlets and independent voices including Democracy Now, Rising/The Hill, The Intercept, The Real News Network, Bad Faith Podcast, Glenn Greenwald, The Grey Zone, The Jimmy Dore Show, Patriot Act/Hasan Minaj, The Useful Idiots (Matt Taibbi, Aaron Maate & Katie Halper), Jacobin Magazine and more.
My hope and intentions are to not horde information but the share for the purpose of sharpening all our minds on issues that affect our collective human condition. Please enjoy, share, and let me or your friends know if a video struck a chord or made you want to dig deeper into a particular progressive cause.
Peace to the workers. Peace to the poor. Peace to the people who want war no more.